APRESO is a research center at the University of Verona that deals with issues related to Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP). APRESO's main research approach is that of applied research in organizational contexts, and it can therefore boast decades of experience in collaborating with public and private organizations. Over the years, this work has resulted in resources that are made available to anyone interested in using them. This is because one of APRESO's missions, in addition to conducting and publishing scientific studies on organizations, is to disseminate empirically validated knowledge and practices. In order to access this content, you have to subscribe to the private area of the site.

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Our Research group

Riccardo Sartori
Associate Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology
Riccardo Sartori is assistant professor in work and organizational psychology at Verona University (Italy), Department of Human Sciences. His field of work is organisational innovation and the assessment processes linked to this topic, including psychological assessment and human resources management.
Andrea Ceschi
Scientific Director and Associate Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology
Andrea Ceschi is Assistant Professor in Work and Organisational Psychology at the Department of Human Sciences, Verona University, Italy. His field of work deals with organisational dynamics related to decision-making processes in the workplace.
Stefano Porru
Full Professor of Occupational Health
Stefano Porru is Full Professor at the Dept. of Diagnostics and Public Health, Section of Occupational Health; Head, Post graduate School of Occupational Medicine, University of Verona. Clinical acitivities are performed at the University Hospital Policlinico Borgo Roma, Verona. His main research areas are: occupational cancer, gene-environment interaction, biohazrds, biomechanical overload, occupational injuries, etiological diagnosis of work-related diseases, migrant workers.
Graziano Pravadelli
Full Professor of Information Processing Systems
Graziano Pravadelli is Full Professor at Dept. of Computer science, Verona University. He deals with simulation and semi-formal verification of embedded systems, that is electronic devices for specific applications, whose design is characterized by stringent constraints in terms of size, computation, memory, consumption and cost. He is also interested in embedded systems applications to develop solutions for smart living and healthcare.
Laura Calafà
Full Professor of Labour Law
Laurà Calafà is Full Professor at Dept. of Law, Verona University. She deals EU law and antidiscrimination law, safety and security at work. In relation to labour law, her main focus is currently to explore the new forms of contract of employment and the national and supranational regulation of immigration and free movements of workers. In relation to EU law.
Giorgio Gosetti
Associate Professor of Sociology of Economic Processes and Work
Giorgio Gosetti is Associate Professor at the Dept. of Human Sciences, University of Verona. He works in the field of Sociology of Economic and Labor Processes. He has coordinated and participated in research projects mainly in the thematic areas of quality of working life and work cultures in relation to changing organizational models; work and new economic forms; organization and organizational processes in social and health services.
Elena Trifiletti
Associate Professor of Social Psychology
Elena Trifiletti is Associate Professor in Social Psychology in the Dept. of Human Sciences of Verona University. Her research interests concern intergroup relations, prejudice and stereotypes. In a first line of research, she investigates the effects of intergroup contact, with particular reference to how and under what conditions contact reduces prejudice in different intergroup contexts. In a second line of research, it studies bicultural identity and the factors associated with it.
Beniamino Caputo
Adjunct Professor of Experimental Pedagogy
Beniamino Caputo is Adjunct Professor at the University of Verona. He carries out professional activities as an expert in training and labor policies and has developed high-profile skills in the field of public policy programming, including those based on EU programming. He works as an expert member of committees for the evaluation of projects co-financed with EU, national and regional resources and as Expert-Reviewer/ Rapporteur for European Union institutions.
Research Manager
Francesco Tommasi is Postdoctoral Researcher at Verona University, Department of Human Sciences, Italy. His area of interest and work is in work psychology, combining research and perspectives from a variety of fields, such as industrial/organizational psychology, and vocational and education training.
Evie Michailidis
European Research Project Manager
Evie Michailidis is a Postdoctoral researcher in Work and Organisational psychology at the Department of Human Sciences, Verona University, Italy. Her research mainly concerns the role of job characteristics (e.g. organisational justice, job stressors, appreciation from managers and colleagues) in the experience of emotions in the workplace and employees’ wellbeing. Also, with her research, she investigates how and under which circumstances employees recover from job demands during off-job hours.
Mattia Zene
PhD Candidate
Mattia Zene is a PhD student at Verona University, Department of Human Sciences, Italy. He collaborates as a scholarship researcher with the Department of Human Sciences, Verona University, Italy. His area of interest is in employability enhancement.
Fatima Abu Hamam Collavo
PhD Candidate
Fatima Abu Hamam Collavo si a PhD student at Verona University, Department of Human Sciences, Italy. She collaborates as a research collaborator with the Department of Human Sciences, Verona University, Italy. Her area of interest is in NEET and diversity management.
Project Manager
Andrea Buccoliero is Project Manager at GPI SPA’s R&D department. He deals with Tech Transfer and Business Development, with a specific focus on Disruptive Innovation Spill-overs.
Hilda Du Plooy
PhD Candidate
Hilda Du Plooy is a Ph.D. Candidate in Human Sciences at the University of Verona, Italy within the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The focus of her doctoral research primarily revolves on the well-being of students at Universities.
Tülüce Tokat
PhD Candidate
Tülüce Tokat, a Ph.D. researcher affiliated with the Department of Human Sciences at Verona University, Italy, delves into the field of organizational psychology. Her doctoral thesis encompasses the realms of supervisory discrimination, employee well-being, and road transport safety.
Martina Pastorelli
PhD Candidate
Martina Pastorelli is a Ph.D. candidate in Human Sciences at the University of Verona, Italy within the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The focus of her doctoral research revolves on employability of the elderly.
Chiara Bassi
PhD Candidate
Chiara Bassi is a PhD student at Verona University, Department of Human Sciences, Italy. Deals with health psychology, with a focus on patient engagement.
Francesca Marinaro
PhD Candidate
Francesca Marinaro is a PhD student at Verona University, Department of Human Sciences, Italy. Her area of interest is health psychology, with a focus on the use of artificial intelligence algorithms.
Cassandra Wubbles
PhD Candidate
Cassandra Wubbels is a Ph.D. candidate in Human Science at the University of Verona, Italy. She collaborates as a scholarship researcher and as a communication assistant with the Verona University Center of Research APRESO. The focus of her doctorate research will primarily revolve around European projects.
Serena Rubini
PhD Candidate
Serena Rubini is the owner of Webethical Srl, a telecommunications company and PhD Candidate at Verona University, Department of Human Sciences, Italy. She collaborates as a scholarship researcher with the Department of Human Sciences, Verona University, Italy. Her area of interest is in psychology of communication and the relationship between academia and the organizational world.
Alessandro Mancini
PhD Candidate
Alessandro Mancini is a PhD Candidate at Verona University, Department of Human Sciences, Italy. His previous academic training has been in literature. He collaborates as a scholarship researcher with the Department of Human Sciences, Verona University and as a book editor within the research group. His area of interest involves the connections and conflicts between the worlds of researchers and practitioners in terms of I-O Psychology.


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